Wednesday, November 6, 2013

85 Christian Brothers Cabernet

10/24/2013-The brown bag wine sampled at the Thursday wine tasting at the Folsom Lakeforest wine store was an enjoyable and well made older cabernet.  The Faust's are gettin too good; Keith was the only one to guess it to be a cabernet.

Koenig Ice Wine (Idaho)

10/10/2013- The brown bag wine sampled at the Thursday wine tasting at the Folsom Lakeforest wine store was a delicious Ice Wine.  Again, Helen Faust was not fooled and nailed it as an Ice Wine.

81 Edna Valley Pinot Noir

10/3/2013- The brown bag wine sampled at the Thursday wine tasting at the Folsom Lakeforest wine store was a well preserved pinot noir.  I poured the contents into a thinner bottle to disguise the wine; however, I didn't fool Helen Faust who seemed to know that I couldn't be trusted.